onsdag 27. januar 2010

The last few days

Loerdagen starta rolig og avslappende, noe som var godt for oss begge ettersom vi tydeligvis trengte litt ekstra soevn, vi hadde sitti oppe og skravla til ganske langt paa natt. Vi hadde egentlig tenkt oss ut paa marked paa formiddagen men det ble droppa til fordel for hjemmekos. Og vi hadde jo store partyplaner for kvelden, saa det var godt aa faa lada opp batteriene til det.
Saturday startet easy and relaxing, which was good for the both of us as we apparently needed a little extra sleep, we had been sitting up late talking. We had initially planned a trip to a market during the day but we skipped it in order to enjoy ourselves at home. And we had great party plans for the evening, so it was good to charge our batteries for that.


Partykvelden starta paa Latitude's, som var et stilig sted paa taket av en bygning midt i sentrum hvor vi satt ute med klar himmel og skyskrapere rundt oss. Her traff vi mange av Amandas venner som ogsaa er medlem i bokklubben hennes. Det var kjempetrivelige folk som jeg raskt ble kjent med og som vi hadde det kjempegoeyt med utover kvelden.

Etterhvert bevega vi oss videre til The Lodge, som var en skikkelig kul pub med utstoppa dyr hengende paa veggene overalt, fargerike julelys omtrent overalt, og treverk og skilt paa veggene og greier, my kind of place!

Deretter dro vi til Eye Spy, hvor vi dansa og hadde det goeyt. Innen vi kom hit hadde antallet partyfolk blitt drastisk redusert og var nede i saa lite som fire utholdende sjeler; Amanda, Matt, Richard og meg selv. Etterhvert kom Aaron tilbake, og kvelden endte som et samla femkloever paa Jimmy John's hvor vi tok en matbit.

Deretter bars det hjem og i seng, jeg var i overraskende knallform (les: full) til tross for at vi ikke hadde vorsa, jeg antar at drinkene definitivt ikke akkurat var vanna ut, hehe. En av dem som var ute med oss, Richard, ble med hjem til Amanda og overnatta, ettersom han bodde en times kjoeretur unna og likevel skulle tilbake til Orlando dagen etter for aa vaere med paa bokklubbrunsjen og bokklubbmoetet.

Starten paa soendagen etter var en smule hard, men det var godt med mat paa brunsjen som var paa restauranten The Hue. Jeg fikk mine lenge etterlengtede pannekaker med jordbaer, sirup og sjokoladebiter (en av guttene, Matt, ville ikke ha sjokoladebiter paa sine pannekaker, saa jeg sa som en spoek at jeg gjerne tok hans sjokoladebiter og, og jommen fikk jeg ikke dobbel porsjon av det), jeg var glad! Deretter dro vi paa bokklubbmoetet, jeg hadde lest boka, som var I Am Legend av Richard Matheson som filmen I Am Legend med Will Smith er basert paa, og kunne vaere med i diskusjonen, som var ganske goeyt.

Deretter dro Amanda og jeg ned i sentrum igjen og tok en rolig rusletur rundt Lake Eola, som var kjempefint, en rolig oase midt i storbyen. Paa veien hjem var vi begge klar for litt is, saa vi dro dermed innom Marble Slab Creamery, som var et fantastiskt sted! Her velger man alt fra hva slags kjeksbeger man vil ha, til hva slags is man vil ha (og man kan faa smakeproever) foer man bestemmer seg for om man vi ha noe blandet inn i isen, og tro meg, de har omtrent alt mulig tenkelig! Jeg kjoepte Oreo Cookies beger, fikk blaa sukkerspinn-is iblandet ekte jordbaer, smaa sjokoladebiter og York Peppermint Paddie, som er en tykk kake med seig mint dekket med moerk sjokolade. Snakker vi yum ell!

Deretter do vi hjem, vi var begge igjen litt slitne og troette, saa det ble en heller rolig kveld, Amanda hadde jo ogsaa jobb morgenen etter.

Mandagen starta rolig for min del, jeg sov leeenge i herlig stor dobbeltseng, og tok det kuli hjemme med Ashes. Kom tilfeldigvis over CSI-maraton paa Spike (en av de maaange tv-kanalene), saa jeg slo av hjernen for litt underholdning, jeg mistenker at formen var fortsatt en smule paavirket av loerdagskvelden.

Naar Amanda kom hjem var planen aa foerst dra innom kosmetikkbutikken Ulta ganske kjapt foer vi dro paa et moete i kameraklubben til Amanda, men naar vi jentene foerst kom i shoppingmodus var vi ikke til aa rikke. Saa vi tilbragte kvelden fram og tilbake paa Waterford Lakes, som er et stort shoppingdistrikt rett bak leilighetskomplekset til Amanda.

Vi hadde faatt en invitasjon til et bursdagsparty kombinert med pokerparty kvelden etter som vi maatte vaere pent kledd til, saa vi skaffa meg tilogmed en fin kjole og pene sko til, paa 20 minutter, hehe. Ellers var vi innom dyrebutikken, hvor Amanda gikk litt amok med ting hun trengte til valpen. Dessverre faar jeg nok ikke treft valpen, vi har fullt program ut uka og jeg drar loerdag, saa det faar bli paa neste tur.

Tirsdagen ble nok en rolig formiddag for min del, Ashes og jeg hadde det kjempegoeyt! Saa naar Amanda kom hjem hadde vi foerst planer om aa ordne negler, foer vi maatte dresse oss opp til poker-bursdags-partyet. Paa veien dro vi innom California Pizza Kitchen for en doedsgod pizzamiddag, yum!

Poker-bursdags-partyet var for en kar som heter Joel som jeg moette paa pubrunden, en venn av Amanda. Festen var holdt i The Citrus Club, som er en eksklusiv klubb for velstaaende mennesker, lokalisert i en av de oeverste etasjene paa en av skyskraperne i downtown Orlando. Det var veldig goeyt aa vaere der, vi satt og skravla med Joel og en venn av han som het Dennis, og selv om jeg helt klart ikke passa helt inn (haha) var det koselig stemning der.

Naa er det onsdag, Amanda kom hjem en tur for lunsj, og etter det tok jeg en liten rusletur rundt paa Waterford Lakes, hvor jeg klarte aa totalt glemme meg selv inne paa Barnes & Noble, en gedigen bokhandel, haha. Kjoepte min egen utgave av Alkymisten som kommer til aa bli reisekompisen min for en stund (selv om jeg allerede har begynt litt), i tillegg til noen andre greier. Og naa skal vi snart dra paa noe som kalles Wine Down Wednesday (ordspill av 'wind down' som betyr aa roe ned, slappe av, men som her antyder avslapning med vin, hehe) paa et sted som kalles Urban Flats i downtown Orlando.


The party evening started at Latitudes, which was a cool place on the roof of a building right in the middle of the city centre where we sat outside with clear skies and skyscrapers around us. Here we met a bunch of Amanda's friends which are also part of her book club. They were really nice people that I quickly got to know and that we had a great time with as the night went on.

After a while we moved on to The Lodge, which was a really cool pub with dead animals on the walls everywhere, colorful Christmas lights pretty much everywhere and woodworks and signs and stuff, my kind of place!

After that we moved on to Eye Spy, where we danced and had fun. By the time we got here the number of party people had been drastically reduced and was down in as little as four endurant souls; Amanda, Matt, Richard and myself. After a while Aaron came back, and the evening ended as a gathered fiveclover at Jimmy John's where we grabbed something to eat.

After that we went back home for bed, I was in surprisingly good mood (read: drunk) despite the fact we didn't predrink at all, I'll assume the drinks definitely wasn't watered out, hehe. One of the guys that was out with us, Richard, followed us home to Amanda to spend the night, as he lived an hour drive away and was still gonna go back to Orlando the next day for the book club brunch and book club meeting.

The beginning of Sunday was a tad bit hard, but food was a good thing at the brunch which was at the restaurant The Hue. I finally got my much longed for pancakes with strawberries, syrup and chocolate chips (one of the boys, Matt, didn't want chocolate chips on his pancakes, so I said as joke that I could take his chocolate chips as well, and well would you know, I did), I was happy! After that we went to the book club meeting, I had read the book which was I Am Legend by Richard Matheson which the movie I Am Legend with Will Smith is based on, and was able to join in on the discussion, which was pretty interesting.

After that Amanda and I went back to the city centre and went for a nice and quiet walk around Lake Eola, which was really nice, an oasis in the middle of the big city. On the way home we were both ready for a little ice cream, so we went by Marble Slab Creamery, which was an awesome place! Here you choose everything from what kind of container you want, to what kind of ice cream you want (and you can taste samples) before you decide if you want anything mixed into the ice cream, and believe me, they have almost everything you can think of! I got the Oreo Cookies container, got blue cotton candy-flavored ice cream mixed in with real strawberries, chocolate chips and York Peppermint Paddie, which is a thick cake of mint covered in dark chocolate. Are we talking yummi or what!

After that we went home, we were both once again a bit worn and tired, so we had a rather quiet evening, Amanda also had work the next morning.

Monday started quietly for my part, I slept in in a lovely huge double bed and took it easy at home with Ashes. I came across a CSI marathon on Spike (one of the maaany tv-channels) by accident and decided to turn off my mind for a some entertainment, I suspect that my shape was still a tiny bit affected by Saturday evening.

When Amanda got home the plan was first to stop by Ulta, a cosmetics store, real quick before we went to a meeting with Amanda's camera club, but when us girls first got in a shopping mode we didn't want to do anything else. So we spent the evening tracking back and forth at Waterford Lakes, which is a large shopping district right behind Amanda's apartment complex.

We had gotten an invitation to a birthday party combined with a poker night the night after that we had to dress up for, so we even got me a nice dress and nice shoes to go with, in all of 20 minutes, hehe. Other than that, we went by the animal store where Amanda got a little crazy with things she would need for the puppy. Unfortunately I probably won't get to meet the puppy, we are all booked up for the rest of the week and I am leaving Saturday, so I'll have to meet the puppy on the next trip.

Tuesday turend into once another calm day for me, Ashes and I had tons of playful fun! So when Amanda got home we first planned to get our nails done, before we had to dress up to the poker-birthday-party. On the way there we stopped by California Pizza Kitchen for an awesomely good dinner, yum!

The poker-birthday-party was for a guy named Joel that I met when going out, a friend of Amanda's. The party was held at The Citrus Club, which is an exclusive club for wealthy people, located in one of the top floors in one of the skyscrapers in downtown Orlando. It was fun to be there, we sat and talked with Joel and a friend of his named Dennis, and even though I definitely didn't quite fit in (haha) it was a really nice atmosphere there.

Now it's Wednesday, Amanda came home for lunch and after that I went for a little walk to Waterford Lakes, where I managed to completely lose myself in Barnes & Noble, haha. Bought my own copy of The Alchemist which will be my travel companion for a little while (although I've already started it), in addition to some other stuff. And now we are soon leaving for Wine Down Wednesday (a wordplay of 'to wind down') at a place called Urban Flats in downtown Orlando.

1 kommentar:

  1. hey, ingles! what a nice summary of our adventures from the time you arrived to wednesday at urban flats! i'm just taking a quick lunch break and checking email and what not. had to come home to tend to zi puppy! she's so adorable. i wish you could have met her, but you will someday, and i'm thankful that you were at least able to help pick out some puppy stuff at petsmart. = ) heidi says hello! so does ashes! cheers!
