Yes, I'll soooon be done with my extremely intensive booking-period with eyes locked on the screen. Yay! It has now taken almost two days with nothing but booking and map-reading and assessments of one alternative up against four others. In theory I should now be able to remember all the details of my credit card for at least two years...
Mangler nå bare to strekninger og overnatting ett sted, så er jeg i boks. Det som kom litt overraskende på var at det tilsynelatende er et "Gem and Mineral Show" i Tucson, AZ såklart akkurat når jeg skal gjennom der. Prisene på det eneste hostellet jeg fant er dermed dyrere, noe som i og for seg ikke er noe problem, så lenge de har ledig seng da, det var bare det... Så vi venter på svar og får se :)
Er det fullt der må jeg se meg om etter hotell, men jeg betaler ikke hva som helst, så kan jo hende det blir forandring i planene her, vi får bare se :)
All I miss now are to transportation stretches and one place to stay. What came as a bit of a surprise was that apparently there is a Gem and Mineral Show in Tucson, AZ just when I was thinking of passing through. The prices of the only hostle I found will therefore increase somewhat, which in itself is not a problem, as long as they have some available beds left, that's the issue... So we'll wait for an answer and see :)
If they're all full I'll have to start looking around for a hotel, but I won't pay anything for accommodation, so there might be some change of plans, we'll just have to see :)
awesome blog, inga! way to start a travel blog! = )
SvarSletthaha, thanks!
SvarSlettyou and me sure'll get some interesting stuff to blog about here as well, i'm sure ;)
less than a week now (at least by my time, lol)