torsdag 25. februar 2010

American adventure almost over

Naa er det torsdag, og jeg har bare to dager igjen foer jeg maa dra fra dette varme herlige stedet...
Now it's Thursday, and I only have two days left before I have to leave this warm wonderful place...


Hadde litt regn og "kaldt" vaer i slutten av forrige uke, og naar det regner her? Ja tro meg, da regner det! Noe som blir enda tydeligere naar bakken ikke tar til seg vann, det er saa toert her at vannet bare flyter over overalt, saa gatene blir elver og sand blir til nye landomraader, hehe.

Loerdagskvelden tok vi en tur paa Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, noe som var doedsgoey! Jeg fikk for foerste gang sett sprangklassen Gambler's Choice hvor de hopper hindere med poeng og proever aa samle opp saa mange poeng som mulig, halter-klasser hvor aaringer vises i grime og stilles pent opp og vises i skritt og trav for haand, national costume-klassen (som visstnok var daarlig i aar med bare to deltakere, hvorav en tryna av underveis) og tilslutt det kuleste av alt: liberty-klassen, hvor flotte araberhingster slippes loes paa banen uten noe utstyr og til kul musikk, og hvor de bare racer rundt og bukker og loeper og gjoer akkurat som de vil, og gjoer sitt beste for aa floerte med publikum. Jeg lover, det var en hingst der som hadde personlighet og karisma mer enn jeg har sett i noen gutt (og detta kommer fra en saerdeles lettsjarmerende sjel..), han visste hvordan aa leke med publikum, brukte hele banen og hilste tilogmed paa dommerne der han loep rundt og en klappeboelge fra publikum fulgte han hele banen rundt. Toeft!

Paa grunn av vaeret droppa vi riding i helga og koste oss inne foran peisen med gode boeker og god mat. Ellers gikk helga altfor fort, og vips var det ny uke, min siste i USA.

Mandag regna det ogsaa, saa Gene og jeg tok blant annet en tur inn til den botaniske oerkenhagen i Phoenix, men tilogmed det ble avbrutt av moerke skyer og enormt nedboer. Tirsdag dro vi ut til et sted utafor Phoenix som heter Tonopah og henta to venner av Gene og Sue, Amanda og Robert, som skulle komme paa besoek i forbindelse med et distanseritt som foregaar rett nedi gata her til helga. Onsdag var vaeret endelig paa plass, og Amanda, Robert, Gene og jeg farta litt rundt foer vi hadde en koselig ettermiddag hjemme med kiropraktoring paa Merlin, hesten til Sue, og trening i aa gaa med grime for den lille eselbabyen Ponder. Paa kvelden hadde vi en kjempegod middag foer vi fyrte opp Tsjernobyl, som baalringen til Gene og Sue kalles, saa der satt vi lenge etter at det ble moerkt og prata og grilla marshmellows :)

Idag kommer nok Amanda, Robert, Sue og jeg til aa ta en liten ridetur sammen, og i morgen blir det endel klargjoering for rittet til helga som Sue og Merlin skal ri. Det er saa supersurt at jeg ikke faar vaert med og sett rittet, savner alt som hoerer med distanseritt :( Og loerdag blir jeg shippa avgaarde til flyplassen og hjem til kalde ugjestmilde Norge... Brr!


We had some rain and "cold" weather at the end of last week, and when it rains here? Believe me, it rains! Which is even more evident when the ground doesn't soak up the water, it is so dry here that the water just floats on top of everything, so the streets become rivers and sand makes new land, hehe.

Saturday night we went to Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, which was so much fun! For the first time I got to see the showjumping class Gambler's Choice where they jump jumps that have points and try to collect as many points as possible, halter classes where yearlings are shown in halter and asked to pose nicely and then are shown in walk and trot by hand, the national costume class (which apparently was pretty bad this year with only two riders (one of which came off even) and finally the coolest of them all: the liberty class, where awesome Arabian stallions are let loose in the arena without any equipment accompanied by cool music, and they just race around and bucks and run and do exactly what they want to, and do their best to flirt with the audience. I promse, there was one sallion there that had personality and charisma more than I've seen in any guy (and this comes from an extra easily charmed soul..), he knew how to play the audience, used the whole arena and even greeted the judges where he was spinning around a a clapping wave from the audience followed him around the arena. Tuff!

Because of the weather we skipped riding this weekend and had a very nice time inside in front of the fire place with good books and good food. The weekend pased way too quickly, and suddenly a new week started, my last in the US.

Monday it rained as well, so Gene and I amongst other things went in to the Botanical Desert Gardens in Phoenix, but even that was interrupted by dark clouds and extreme rain. Tuesday we went to a place outside Phoenix alled Tonopah to pick up two friends of Gene and Sues, Amanda and Robert, who were coming down to visit as well as for an endurance ride just down the street from Gene and Sues house this weekend. Wednesday the weather was finally back at it's best and Amanda, Robert, Gene and I toured around a little bit before we had a nice afternoon at home with chiropracting on Merlin, Sue's horse, and training the lttle baby donkey Ponder to lead in a halter. In the evening we had a great dinner before we fired up Tsjernobyl, which is the name of Gene and Sue's fire pit, and there we sat way after dark just talking and roasting marshmellows :)

Today Amanda, Robert, Sue and I will probably go for a little ride together, and tomorrow it'll prob be some prepping for the ride this weekend that Sue and Merlin is doing. It is so mean that I don't get to be there and see the ride, I miss everything that belongs to endurance rides :( And Saturday I'll be shipped off to the airport and home to cold unhospitable Norway... Brr!

2 kommentarer:

  1. sounds like your final days in the us were quite nice. i especially like the marshmallow roasting! (i am doing some of that tomorrow night, in fact!) i want to see photos, missy! where are all the photos of the cacti and horses and donkeys?!

  2. would you know that was the first time i've roasted marshmallows? gene and sue nearly fell of their chairs, lol =) and i loved it, got the 'how to roast marshmallows and the most used roasting techniques 101' :)
